whereas, though, therefore, otherwise, nevertheless, moreover, however, besides,
review, repeat, recite, recall,
rarely, nearly, merely, hardly
wish, please, long for,
convenient, competent, compassionate, comfortable,
succeed in, result in, result, manage, achieve,
matter, subject, deal, event,
therefore, otherwise, however, although,
suggest that, subscribe to, submit,
result from, offer something, happen, demand, cause, advocate,
sign, revise, reveal, remind,
persist, insist, expect, add,
whereas, nonetheless, despite the fact that, despite, but, although
speak, say, talk, tell (19 выражений и значений)
respond to, reserve, represent, release, relate to regarded as,
irritated, impatient
suspect, suppose, suggest,
retort, reply, refuse, distrust, deny + ing (noun),
whether, though, so, in spite of, in general, in fact, in case, but
12 сетов на изучение и 13 заданий в формате 30-36 на эти слова